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living is easy with eyes closed ∞ (lucy)

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living is easy with eyes closed ∞ (lucy) Vide
MessageSujet: living is easy with eyes closed ∞ (lucy)   living is easy with eyes closed ∞ (lucy) EmptyMer 4 Déc - 12:52

lucy dreyfus  
trente-cinq ans ✣ pharmacienne ✣ dunno don't care ✣ mariée, en phase de séparation  

Tu as cette mauvaise manie de tout vouloir expliquer, même les trucs relativement simples ✎ C'est plus fort que toi, tu adores prendre la parole ou tout simplement bavarder ✎ Tu as une opinion sur pratiquement tout et il est souvent impossible de te faire changer d'avis ✎ Tu joues du piano depuis tes cinq années et tu continues de le faire dans tes temps libres ✎ C'est l'une des seules choses qui parvient à te calmer réellement quand tout semble aller de travers ✎ Tu as toujours aimé avoir l'attention des autres sur toi ✎ Tu aimes te sentir importante ✎ Tu as un caractère assez puissant et tu t'arranges en tout temps pour obtenir ce que tu désires ✎ Tu as de l'ambition et tu es perfectionniste, rien n'est jamais trop bien à tes yeux ✎ Tu as besoin qu'on te félicite pour tes réussites, tu es à la recherche constante d'admiration et de respect ✎ Plus jeune, tu t'amusais à t'imaginer que tu étais la fille de ton frère, au même titre que ta nièce et ton neveu ✎ Malgré le fait que ton père et ton grand-père ont été juges, tu n'as jamais eu grand intérêt pour le droit ✎ Tu as toujours su depuis ta première année que ta place serait dans le domaine de la santé ✎ À l'université, le métier de pharmacienne t'a semblé être l'option toute convenue pour ton caractère méthodique et ton envie de t'occuper des autres ✎ Tu as toujours exceller dans tout ce que tu entreprenais ✎ Tu as toujours été discrète sur ta vie privée, particulièrement amoureuse ✎ Tu n'as jamais été le genre à courailler et enchaîner les conquêtes ✎ Tes relations amoureuses ont toujours été à ton image, un peu trop parfaite et jamais assez vrai ✎ Jusqu'à Ïléwon qui t'a fait connaître quelque chose de moins forcé, de plus naturel ✎ Tu n'avais jamais été véritablement amoureuse avant lui ✎ Tu as fait ce qui te semble être de grands sacrifices pour votre relation ✎ Tu ne regrettes rien, mais parfois tu te demandes si les choses n'auraient pas pu mieux finir, si tu avais pris d'autres décisions ✎ À tes yeux, tes enfants sont ce que tu as de plus précieux ✎ Tu ferais n'importe quoi pour eux ✎ Toutefois, tu te sens coupable pour la situation dans laquelle sa famille se trouve ✎ Tu es bien trop orgueilleuse pour admettre quoique ce soit au principal intéressé ✎ Tu continues ta routine, comme si de rien était ✎ Tu n'aimes pas le changement même si tu t'y adaptes plutôt bien ✎ Tu es douée pour prétendre ✎ Tu as la tête dure ✎ Mais tu as le cœur gros comme le monde, quand tu te décides de le montrer.

Dernière édition par Lucy Dreyfus le Sam 28 Déc - 13:40, édité 4 fois
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living is easy with eyes closed ∞ (lucy) Vide
MessageSujet: Re: living is easy with eyes closed ∞ (lucy)   living is easy with eyes closed ∞ (lucy) EmptyMer 4 Déc - 12:53

nom, prénom.
titre du lien.
Boys, just do it!----Tell her you think shes cool. Tell her why you think shes so cool. Smell her hair. Talk to her in movie theatres. Pick her up and pretend youre going to throw her in the river; shell scream and fight you but secretly, shell love it. Hold her hand and skip. Hold her hand and run. Just hold her hand. Pick flowers from other peoples gardens and give them to her. Tell her she looks pretty. Let her pay for stuff if she wants to. Introduce her to your friends as The coolest girl I know. Sit in the park and talk to her. Take her to the library, and playgrounds, and train stations. Tell her dirty jokes. Tell her stupid jokes. Write poems about her. Just walk around with her. Throw pebbles at her window at night. When she starts swearing at you, tell her you love her. Take her to shows of bands shes never heard of. Hold her hand in the mosh pit. Let her fall asleep in your arms. Call her. Call her back if she calls you. Sing to her, no matter how bad you are. Carve your names into a tree. Get her mad, then kiss her. Give her piggy-back rides. Go see her band play even if they really suck, and tell her they were great. Give her space if she needs it. Push her on swings. Stay up with her all night when shes sick. Make up pet names for her, but cool ones, not sappy ones. Teach her guitar. Lend her your cds. Write on her. Make her mixtapes. Write her letters. If she asks you to go to a show with her, go, even if it means a 5 hour train trip. Take her to cool shops, and let her take you to even cooler ones. Listen to all the bands she mentions. Dont tell her that her favorite bands suck. When shes sad, hang out with her or stay on the phone with her, even if shes not saying anything. Buy her ice cream. Let her take all the photos of you she wants. Look into her eyes. Slow dance with her, even if the music is fast. Kiss her in the rain.When you fall in love with her, tell her.

nom, prénom.
titre du lien.
Boys, just do it!----Tell her you think shes cool. Tell her why you think shes so cool. Smell her hair. Talk to her in movie theatres. Pick her up and pretend youre going to throw her in the river; shell scream and fight you but secretly, shell love it. Hold her hand and skip. Hold her hand and run. Just hold her hand. Pick flowers from other peoples gardens and give them to her. Tell her she looks pretty. Let her pay for stuff if she wants to. Introduce her to your friends as The coolest girl I know. Sit in the park and talk to her. Take her to the library, and playgrounds, and train stations. Tell her dirty jokes. Tell her stupid jokes. Write poems about her. Just walk around with her. Throw pebbles at her window at night. When she starts swearing at you, tell her you love her. Take her to shows of bands shes never heard of. Hold her hand in the mosh pit. Let her fall asleep in your arms. Call her. Call her back if she calls you. Sing to her, no matter how bad you are. Carve your names into a tree. Get her mad, then kiss her. Give her piggy-back rides. Go see her band play even if they really suck, and tell her they were great. Give her space if she needs it. Push her on swings. Stay up with her all night when shes sick. Make up pet names for her, but cool ones, not sappy ones. Teach her guitar. Lend her your cds. Write on her. Make her mixtapes. Write her letters. If she asks you to go to a show with her, go, even if it means a 5 hour train trip. Take her to cool shops, and let her take you to even cooler ones. Listen to all the bands she mentions. Dont tell her that her favorite bands suck. When shes sad, hang out with her or stay on the phone with her, even if shes not saying anything. Buy her ice cream. Let her take all the photos of you she wants. Look into her eyes. Slow dance with her, even if the music is fast. Kiss her in the rain.When you fall in love with her, tell her.
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living is easy with eyes closed ∞ (lucy) Vide
MessageSujet: Re: living is easy with eyes closed ∞ (lucy)   living is easy with eyes closed ∞ (lucy) EmptyMer 4 Déc - 12:53

nom, prénom.
titre du lien.
Boys, just do it!----Tell her you think shes cool. Tell her why you think shes so cool. Smell her hair. Talk to her in movie theatres. Pick her up and pretend youre going to throw her in the river; shell scream and fight you but secretly, shell love it. Hold her hand and skip. Hold her hand and run. Just hold her hand. Pick flowers from other peoples gardens and give them to her. Tell her she looks pretty. Let her pay for stuff if she wants to. Introduce her to your friends as The coolest girl I know. Sit in the park and talk to her. Take her to the library, and playgrounds, and train stations. Tell her dirty jokes. Tell her stupid jokes. Write poems about her. Just walk around with her. Throw pebbles at her window at night. When she starts swearing at you, tell her you love her. Take her to shows of bands shes never heard of. Hold her hand in the mosh pit. Let her fall asleep in your arms. Call her. Call her back if she calls you. Sing to her, no matter how bad you are. Carve your names into a tree. Get her mad, then kiss her. Give her piggy-back rides. Go see her band play even if they really suck, and tell her they were great. Give her space if she needs it. Push her on swings. Stay up with her all night when shes sick. Make up pet names for her, but cool ones, not sappy ones. Teach her guitar. Lend her your cds. Write on her. Make her mixtapes. Write her letters. If she asks you to go to a show with her, go, even if it means a 5 hour train trip. Take her to cool shops, and let her take you to even cooler ones. Listen to all the bands she mentions. Dont tell her that her favorite bands suck. When shes sad, hang out with her or stay on the phone with her, even if shes not saying anything. Buy her ice cream. Let her take all the photos of you she wants. Look into her eyes. Slow dance with her, even if the music is fast. Kiss her in the rain.When you fall in love with her, tell her.

nom, prénom.
titre du lien.
Boys, just do it!----Tell her you think shes cool. Tell her why you think shes so cool. Smell her hair. Talk to her in movie theatres. Pick her up and pretend youre going to throw her in the river; shell scream and fight you but secretly, shell love it. Hold her hand and skip. Hold her hand and run. Just hold her hand. Pick flowers from other peoples gardens and give them to her. Tell her she looks pretty. Let her pay for stuff if she wants to. Introduce her to your friends as The coolest girl I know. Sit in the park and talk to her. Take her to the library, and playgrounds, and train stations. Tell her dirty jokes. Tell her stupid jokes. Write poems about her. Just walk around with her. Throw pebbles at her window at night. When she starts swearing at you, tell her you love her. Take her to shows of bands shes never heard of. Hold her hand in the mosh pit. Let her fall asleep in your arms. Call her. Call her back if she calls you. Sing to her, no matter how bad you are. Carve your names into a tree. Get her mad, then kiss her. Give her piggy-back rides. Go see her band play even if they really suck, and tell her they were great. Give her space if she needs it. Push her on swings. Stay up with her all night when shes sick. Make up pet names for her, but cool ones, not sappy ones. Teach her guitar. Lend her your cds. Write on her. Make her mixtapes. Write her letters. If she asks you to go to a show with her, go, even if it means a 5 hour train trip. Take her to cool shops, and let her take you to even cooler ones. Listen to all the bands she mentions. Dont tell her that her favorite bands suck. When shes sad, hang out with her or stay on the phone with her, even if shes not saying anything. Buy her ice cream. Let her take all the photos of you she wants. Look into her eyes. Slow dance with her, even if the music is fast. Kiss her in the rain.When you fall in love with her, tell her.
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living is easy with eyes closed ∞ (lucy) Vide
MessageSujet: Re: living is easy with eyes closed ∞ (lucy)   living is easy with eyes closed ∞ (lucy) EmptyMer 4 Déc - 16:10

living is easy with eyes closed ∞ (lucy) 3087562708  Même si je n'ai aucune espèce d'idée xD Mais KATE kuaaaa living is easy with eyes closed ∞ (lucy) 4251308190 
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living is easy with eyes closed ∞ (lucy) Vide
MessageSujet: Re: living is easy with eyes closed ∞ (lucy)   living is easy with eyes closed ∞ (lucy) EmptyMer 4 Déc - 17:38

living is easy with eyes closed ∞ (lucy) 2787731181 living is easy with eyes closed ∞ (lucy) 2787731181 living is easy with eyes closed ∞ (lucy) 2787731181 living is easy with eyes closed ∞ (lucy) 2787731181 living is easy with eyes closed ∞ (lucy) 2787731181
On s'retrouve en RP. living is easy with eyes closed ∞ (lucy) 4153354820 living is easy with eyes closed ∞ (lucy) 3484979881 Arrow
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living is easy with eyes closed ∞ (lucy) Vide
MessageSujet: Re: living is easy with eyes closed ∞ (lucy)   living is easy with eyes closed ∞ (lucy) EmptyDim 18 Mai - 22:28

un lien ? living is easy with eyes closed ∞ (lucy) 4251308190
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living is easy with eyes closed ∞ (lucy) Vide
MessageSujet: Re: living is easy with eyes closed ∞ (lucy)   living is easy with eyes closed ∞ (lucy) EmptyLun 2 Juin - 20:59

J'aimerais bien un petit lien pour un duo Katemma living is easy with eyes closed ∞ (lucy) 3827665424 living is easy with eyes closed ∞ (lucy) 4205929361 qu'est-ce que t'en dis ? Par contre, j'avoue que je viens un peu en touriste pour le moment. Je vais attendre quelques réponse aux liens que j'ai lancé pour voir si de relation en relation je peux nous concocter quelque chose. Sinon, si une idée te viens envoie moi un message. living is easy with eyes closed ∞ (lucy) 1510611536
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living is easy with eyes closed ∞ (lucy) Vide
MessageSujet: Re: living is easy with eyes closed ∞ (lucy)   living is easy with eyes closed ∞ (lucy) EmptyLun 2 Juin - 21:37

Hey pardon pour le retard Monroe, mais ce serait avec plaisir. I love you I love you
J'avoue que je n'ai pas d'idée en particulier, mais si tu as des envies ou des besoins, n'hésite surtout pas. living is easy with eyes closed ∞ (lucy) 2680782864

Et Amy, t'es trop choupi. living is easy with eyes closed ∞ (lucy) 173236763 living is easy with eyes closed ∞ (lucy) 2680782864
Je t'avouerais que je n'ai pas trop d'idée non plus, mais si tu me parles un peu de la belle rousse, je songerais à un petit quelque chose. I love you
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living is easy with eyes closed ∞ (lucy) Vide
MessageSujet: Re: living is easy with eyes closed ∞ (lucy)   living is easy with eyes closed ∞ (lucy) EmptyLun 2 Juin - 21:38

Je t'envoie un message de ce pas alors.
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living is easy with eyes closed ∞ (lucy) Vide
MessageSujet: Re: living is easy with eyes closed ∞ (lucy)   living is easy with eyes closed ∞ (lucy) EmptyMer 16 Juil - 14:05

Hello  living is easy with eyes closed ∞ (lucy) 4251308190 

Un petit lien ? Je vois que Lucy est pharmacienne et ça m'a automatiquement fait penser à un truc :

Bill est maladroit. Non pas juste gaffeur. Bill est la maladresse incarnée Rolling Eyes du coup, comme une maladresse entraine souvent un bris de glace, une chute ou un choc quelconque, William se retrouve souvent avec coupures, hématomes, égratignures, foulures etc... Razz

Ainsi donc le professeur est un habitué des pharmacies, ce pourrait être marrant que le hasard l'emmène régulièrement devant Lucy et, à voir ce qu'on peut développer de plus, ou pas xD

Tu en pense quoi ? Very Happy
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